Posted in life

Black Cat Blue Sea Award

Hi blogging friends! I was nominated by a follower and fellow-blogger for the “Black Cat Blue Sea Award”. Thank you yourenotaloneinthisworld!

I’ll start by answering their 3 questions, then I will nominate 7 bloggers! This is fun. 😊

  1. What is your top overplayed song at the moment? You know the one that is probably getting on everyone’s nerves, but you’re still rocking out.
  2. What is your favorite quote at the moment? Who’s it by? 
  3. If you could go back 10 years in your life and making a different decision that you know would alter the present, would you change it, or keep it the same?  

I think the top overplayed song that I’ve heard recently is Beck’s “Wow”. Not only is it overplayed, but it’s downright awful, bleh! I have always been somewhat of a Beck fan. He has some cool stuff, but this new style and direction he’s taken is out there and def not my cup of tea.

-“A wise old owl sat in an oak, the more he heard, the less he spoke; The less he spoke, the more he heard; Why aren’t we all like that wise old bird?”

I actually try to remind myself to live by this quote every single day, and sometimes it’s not easy, but it always reels me back in if I stray too far from what it’s saying. It isn’t exactly a “quote”, but more a nursery rhyme used to teach kids (and adults) how to be mature, haha! My dad used to say it to me all the time as a kid when I’d speak before thinking or if I interrupted him before he was finished with something he was showing or telling me. Author, unknown.

-I am believer in things like fate and that “things happen for a reason”, so I also believe I am supposed to be with my husband , Derek, and that we would have found each other if things had gone differently 10 years ago for me. I know Derek because he was friends with my ex- boyfriend. If I could go back 10 years ago, I would not have moved out of my parent’s house at 18 to live with my boyfriend and his mom, I would have lived on campus at college and finished my Bachelor’s Degree in 4 years. I wouldn’t have devoted my life to a relationship at such a young age, and I would have lived a little.


Okay, now I nominate:

Barefoot Pagan Life

Cauldrons and Cupcakes

Not the Average Mama


Six of coins

The Life and Times of A Gem City Mama

Ramblings of the Claury

My three questions for my nominees are:

1. If there was one thing you could change about your personality, what would it be?

2. Who, out of your whole life, has most inspired you?

3. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

There she is, everyone! I hope you all participate! I had a lot of fun doing this. 

Posted in blended family

Wise Words Wednesday: Forgiveness — Not the Average Mama

This is a wonderful blog to follow. I just had to share this post she made today because it’s so incredibly true, especially if you are or ever have been in the world of step parenting. Thank you for your words of inspiration and encouragement!


Wise Words Wednesday is dedicated to profound quotes and sayings I have come across that I want to share with all of you. There are times where I’m going through my reader and find some interesting and wise quotes. Those quotes sometimes help me through a tough day by making me stop and think or […]

via Wise Words Wednesday: Forgiveness — Not the Average Mama